Here at Cimar we started doing coat color genetics on all breeding animals in Late 2014. We have coat color tested many of our bred by's as well as other amstaff's in the program. We are lucky we have paired with several other well known and respected breeders whom are doing the same with their breeding animals. This important testing gives us great insight on what to expect from each breeding and allows us to avoid undesirable colors such as Tri-Color and Heavy White, there will sometimes be exceptions made whilst weighing the pros and cons, our extensive research and testing along with that of others we work with in this area on genetics,we have found how to ACCURATELY test for Red, Fawn, Sable,Black (Dominant), Brindle, Dilute, Tri-Color and Extreme White. We will know with almost any breeding what colors are possible and impossible and the probability of each. Please see the links below for more information on Canine Coat Color Genetics and please feel free To reach out if you have any questions regarding Coat Color genetics and testing.
This testing is not only important for breed standard adherence but for weaning out genetic issues such as but not limited to congenital deafness associated with extreme white and piebald.
Please Note to confirm accuracy of testing we have tested different dogs with all of the below mentioned labs and some dogs at all 3 with identical results. These results have been put to the test in the whelping box with accurate expectations.
Here at Cimar we strive to stay in the forefront of advanced genetic testing and continued education in all areas of canine health pertinent to this breed.